Introducing Our Guest Artists - Zoë Fitzherbert
Our third guest artist may have only recently qualified as Tasmanian talent but is a perfect fit for An Evening in Moonlight at Festival of Voices. Stepping up as a last minute replacement for Rebecca Oliver-Black, we are thrilled to introduce the supremely talented Zoë Fitzherbert ...

When did you discover your voice?
While washing dishes in a tiny kitchen at horse-riding camp. I remember hearing my voice bouncing off the tiles and thinking, gosh, that‘s not half bad…!
What runs through your mind just before you go on stage?
So. Many. Things. Why is my mouth suddenly so dry. Is there lipstick on my teeth. Is my dress going to expose me at an inopportune moment.. you know, the usual.
What is your favourite style of music to sing?
That‘s a tough one. I absolutely love opera but am equally happy belting out some Disney - and in fact anything between! Don‘t make me choose between my children!
What singular moment stands out amongst your performing career?
I believe it‘s yet to come!
What is the dream performance gig that if it fell into your lap would make your squeal in delight and then shake with nerves?
I'm not gonna lie, I would die if someone asked me to sing on Playschool. DIE.
Would you prefer to front a Quartet or Big Band?
Big band. The bigger the better.
What gives you joy (other than being on stage)?
Walking through Knocklofty in the pouring rain; eating chocolate while reading (in bed - don‘t judge); and dancing to peter Coombe with my three year old. Juicy, juicy green grass gets me every time.
With her natural buoyancy and her captivating performance, Zoë has seamlessly banked into formation with the Aviators and is all set to defy the ground for you this coming Wednesday!
One show only: Wed 7 July | 8:30pm | C3 Auditorium | PG | $49
Tickets: contact Festival of Voices to be added to the waitlist